Future Streetscapes for Davieland Road

14th November 2018

A big thanks to East Renfrewshire Council on hosting the Future Streetscapes seminar last week at Parklands Hotel and Country Club.   We had a great event with discussions on the role of streets beyond movement corridors and putting people first, incorporating Public Realm, Blue-Green Infrastructure and Active Travel components.

The line-up of speakers in morning included; Andy Mulholland from Sustrans, Fiona Stirling from SNH, Sandy Robinson from Scottish Government, Stephen O’Malley from Civic Engineers and Paul Wallace from Keep Scotland Beautiful.    There was a series of design workshops in the afternoon covering multi-modal corridors, street retrofit (Davieland Road), and town centres.  Some great ideas put on paper!

TGP look forward to applying design principles at the Davieland Road project.